Will Aerating Your Lawn Make It Greener Next Spring?


With the arrival of spring, many individuals begin to consider spending more time outside. It is important to think about the health of your grass. Below are some recommendations to help you prepare your lawn for the warmer months. Aerating your grass is one of them. Aerating your grass is beneficial for a variety of reasons, including maintaining the aesthetics of your home’s landscape.

What exactly is lawn aeration?

Aerating your grass essentially means making holes in the ground to allow air, water, and nutrients to enter your soil. Lots of foot movement compacts and pushes down the soil in your grass. This restricts the ability of your lawn to breathe.

What Is the Best Way to Aerate My Lawn?

To aerate your grass, make holes in it to allow your soil to breathe and absorb the nutrients it need. You can accomplish this most efficiently using a lawn aerator; because you shouldn’t be doing this frequently, renting this piece of equipment is preferable to purchasing it.

What Are Some of the Advantages?

  • The holes in the ground let more nutrients into the soil, making it healthier and greener.
  • Aerating your lawn encourages your grass’s roots to grow deeper and spread wider. This altered root structure leads to increased drought tolerance and grass density. Increased grass density not only makes your lawn look thicker and more carpet-like, but it also naturally chokes out weeds.
  • If your yard receives a lot of rain or runoff water, you may notice puddles. Aerating, on the other hand, will eliminate puddles in your yard and allow your soil to absorb more rainfall.