Aerial Lift Applications

Aerial lifts

Although aerial lifts are generally linked with construction, their adaptability and range make them ideally suited to a variety of jobs. An aerial lift can help with maintenance, cleaning, warehousing, and farm operations.

Construction Industry – Aerial lifts are frequently employed for jobs that were formerly conducted using ladders and scaffolding. They are more adaptable than either of those alternatives. Aerial lifts can be used by construction workers to install ducting or wiring in a structure. They can also be utilized to get access to pipelines and HVAC systems.

Events – Aerial lifts may provide another viewpoint and a distinct aspect in the media and entertainment sector, whether you’re covering a sporting event or filming an awards show red carpet. Articulating boom lifts can be used to follow artists as they enter or exit a venue. On the sidelines, scissor lifts may hoist camera operators above the action, providing the audience a bird’s-eye view and the chance to watch more of the action.

Orchard Work – People began to refer to aerial lifts as “cherry pickers” since they were frequently utilized to collect fruit. It was a lot simpler than balancing on a potentially unstable ladder. They’re still used in this way today, with the term referring especially to a type of boom lift mounted to a vehicle.

Tree Care and Pruning – Aerial lifts are not just utilized for fruit trees; they are also used to prune higher trees that are out of reach of most ladders. Some trees that require cutting might grow rather tall. Maple trees, for example, may reach heights of more than 100 feet. Try reaching the highest branches of a eucalyptus or palm tree using a Lowe’s ladder. Boom lifts make access considerably easier.

Cleaning Jobs – A scissor lift is ideal for cleaning windows, vertical buildings, and tall sculptures. Workers may raise a scissor lift one level at a time with their feet safely on the platform, rather than dealing with potentially unstable planks or dangling down in a full-body harness. They don’t have to move at all, and a scissor lift can elevate them more than four floors above. Boom lifts may reach much greater heights.

Repair of Telephone Lines – You’ve probably seen utility employees working on telephone wires with boom lifts. It’s a frequent method that’s far more convenient than employing aerial ladders. In terms of moving people into position to perform a project, an articulating boom lift or even a spinning telescopic lift are both more adaptable.

Building Assessments – Boom lifts can be used by inspectors to acquire a close-up view of a building. This can be useful in identifying tiny errors that could lead to larger issues later on. Inspectors can get access to roofs, windows, plumbing, and electrical wiring using boom lifts.

Warehouse Work – When operating within warehouses, aerial lifts may be quite useful. Electric and pneumatic versions may be utilized without endangering one’s hearing or producing hazardous chemicals. Narrow articulating boom lifts can help you navigate in confined locations, while motorized scissor lifts can assist you stack or retrieve product from high shelves.

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