Hurricane Season Prep: Tampa Bay Area Generator Rentals

The Tampa Bay area is no stranger to hurricanes. With hurricane season just around the corner, it’s important for homeowners and businesses alike to prepare in advance. One of the most important things you can do is make sure that your generator stays up-to-date and ready in case of an emergency.

Hurricane season is an inevitable part of life. With these storms come power outages that can last for days and even weeks at a time. Hurricane season is an unpredictable time of year where it’s important to have the right emergency tools ready. This includes generators for backup power; something we all hope we never need but are grateful to have when needed.

If you wait until after an emergency arises or days before a long-anticipated hurricane, chances are you are not going to secure a back-up generator.   And it’s not just generators that are needed. People also need fuel and the necessary tools to maintain these machines when they break down, which is inevitable as well.

You can prevent paying huge spikes in generator rental rates by reserving a generator ahead of time through Rentalex. We know that it’s difficult to predict when emergency situations will arise, so Rentalex has made sure we have back up generator rentals. We offer the right generator for any size home and budget.

Your back-up generator is your new best friend this hurricane season. The most important thing you can do for it before the rain starts pouring down on us again, is to make sure its well prepared and ready to tackle all of those power outages that come with a storm’s aftermath. Follow these simple steps from Rentalex to get yours working as smoothly as possible:

  • Check the generator’s oil level and fill it up if necessary. The generator can’t do its job properly without a full tank of gas, and an empty one will burn out quickly in case there is any issue with your home power
  • Change or clean the air filter to make sure you have as little resistance from dirt particles going into the engine as possible. This will keep your generator running smoothly until help arrives
  • Clean off debris that could potentially block parts on the machine under the hood; this includes leaves and pine needles which might be clogging vents or filters for example
  • Wipe down all surfaces with a soft cloth (including belts) to prevent corrosion due to excess moisture around them after rainstorms.

Rentalex will be there to provide you with a generator no matter the situation. No need to worry about power outages or intense storms when renting from Rentalex, because we have generators that are guaranteed to work in any circumstance! Not sure what type of generator your business needs? Give us a call today at (813)971-9990, and our friendly staff members can help answer all of your questions so you get the best possible product for your company’s unique features.

See our fleet of rental generators here: